Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Spike - where it all begins

I actually thought of starting a new blog a long time ago. I did have other blog before, but they all ended because they went too personal that I don't want anyone to read them (and no one wants to read them anyways.) A thought of starting a new blog has been in my mind for awhile now. I wanted to relate my new blog with a new beginning, for example, my moving to Simpsonville, SC and starting a "real job" (mechanical engineering related that is). But that wasn't motivating enough. My laziness has overcome the zealousness to start and keep a blog and I have missed the chance.

Well, since I am so weird that I have a weird rule to not start my new blog unless a significant new beginning is taking place, this post actually means that something exciting is happening. Introducing....

SPIKE(I fail to take a good picture of him. He's still too shy right now)

He is a baby hedgie that I just took home today. He was born on 8/1/2009, so he is a little over a month old now. I got him and the whole set-up (his house and everything) at a reasonable price (I believe). I think it was worth it to drive 1.5 hrs to pick him up (and another 1.5 hrs to come home.) Originally I was only looking inside South Carolina, and I found only one breeder. I sent an email but never got response (maybe my hotmail's stupid email filter that almost never work did work this time). Plus, it appears that they don't have any hedgie currently available. If I want to buy a hedgie from them, I'll have to wait don't-know-how-long. Then I saw this breeder in North Carolina. Thought I would just try my luck and see how far it is and it turned out to be only as far to me as the South Carolina one. Since I don't have a preference of the color of my hedgie, I was able to get this baby boy at a lower price. I almost gave up on buying a hegie after having no response from the SC breeder. Now that I got this baby at a better price and right away, it's just so exciting. (Plus the whole set-up is a great help for a first timer.)

This blog is not only gonna be about hegies, Spike is just my excuse to start my blog (according to my own strange principle.) I would try to include things that are interesting for different people. Hope this blog can last longer than the other ones I had...

This is a new start. Thanks, Spike.


Lydia Anthony said...

He's cute.
Good luck on walking the fine line between writing for oneself and staying interesting to other people. I have been stumbling along that line for a few years and I'm not sure it gets easier...

Spike said...

It's not gonna be easy for sure. I am thinking about having some variety in the topics I write (or even variety in the language I use?)
That might be an approach(?)

ps. Kinda weird to leave comment as Spike...

Damson Lai said...

I like your Spike.
How big it is?

I am so glad that you find your own real "pet"...
I only can have a pet in facebook...

Joyce said...

I like baby Spike~
He looks so cute!
Can you touch him?
Does he scare?

Jane Chu said...

To Damson:
It's about a little bit smaller than my hand.

To Joyce:
Yes, I can touch him carefully. In fact, now he lets me pet him gently. Are you asking if he gets scared or if he is scary?

Joyce said...

I want to ask if he gets scared?

Gloria Perng said...

Hey, Jane, your baby Spike is really cool. I just want to ask... is he soft? :)

Jane Chu said...

To Joyce:
Yes, all the time.

To Gloria:
Soft underneath.