Wednesday, October 5, 2011

iPhone 4S is NOT iPhone 4GS

1st Generation: iPhone, 2nd Generation: iPhone 3G (because of the new 3G network technology), 3rd Generation: iPhone 3GS (Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that S means speed), 4th Generation: iPhone 4. NOT 4G, cause it's a 3G phone, not a 4G phone. If you want to say that G stands for Generation, fine, then 3G should be 2G and 3GS should be 3G. 5th Generation: iPhone 4S. S should mean it's faster than it's predecessor, the iPhone 4. From 3G to 4S, we are stuck at 3G network. I wonder when will 4G-network-ready iPhones be available. But since it's all 3G, we really shouldn't call 4 4G or 4S 4GS. Just don't make sense. Surprisingly today, I saw an active member of the jailbreak community make that mistake. If such an expert don't even know, then I guess there's no way layman like myself would get it.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Knight Rider!! All 4 season DVD set unboxing

It's not the new Knight Rider. It's the original 1982 Knight Rider.

How cool is that? Vintage!

I actually don't remember any story from it. But I remember Li Mai-ke and his talking car. And how he can just talk to his car through his watch. (and they were all speaking Mandarin Chinese.)
我其實裡面的故事都不記得,只記得李麥克跟他那台會講話的車還有他可以用手錶跟他的車講話("伙計伙計快來救我" 而且還都講中文)

I was hesitating to spend the money, but since I have ebay bucks expiring, I just went ahead and bought it.
我本來在猶豫要不要下手的,可是既然有ebay bucks快要過期了,我就乾脆買了。

Without further ado, let's see it.

Front 正面
Back 背面

And there is something fancy:

You can change the battery for this thing

There's instruction at the back of the paper at the back the package

It's not actually all that fancy.
You can see that when you open it
But I have to admit, it does look kinda cool in the package.

3 packages for each season. 2 discs in each package. Totally 24 discs for 4 seasons.

Everything looks nice. I just have one complaint:
What hearing impaired? Can't a person who hears fine simply enjoy the subtitles?
什麼聽力受損阿? 聽力沒問題就不能享受字幕嗎? =.=

Monday, September 20, 2010

iPhone 4 Camera

對我來說 iPhone 4的相機表現很好
For me, iPhone 4's camera performs very well.

Especially for close-up shots.

I like it!

I have decided to take Spike's  picture with iPhone from now on.