Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Spike - Naughty Boy

小帥哥今天的體重是398g. 之前三百八十幾我就在擔心太胖,現在低於四百我就覺得他很苗條。

該不會這小傢伙在晚上都有爬上木屋吧? 那他也滿厲害的(身手敏捷的胖子?!)就算他站在木屋上,應該也是無法蹺家,我只是擔心他會被保溫燈燙到。目前看起來應該他是搆不到保溫燈,不過他其實比我想像中的高(長?)。嗯 還是得小心為妙

喂 小胖 別讓我擔心阿

Monday, December 28, 2009


Gonna Blog about this two-year-old girl.
Part of the reason why I drove 8.5 hours to visit (and 8.5 hours back)
She's got the cutest eyes and rich facial expression.

She's very sweet.
When her mom parks the car, she asks: "You got it?"
When her grandma yawns, she asks: "You tired?"
When someone cough, she asks: "You OK?"
Often when you show her pictures of her, she says: "Sweet"
But when you ask her if she is pretty, cute or sweet, she says no.
I guess she has a weird concept for pretty.
She said that my glass-cleaning cloth is pretty.

She's got opinion already.
When her mom helped her put on the cute pink dress, she cried like something horrible happened.
But if you can distract her with something else, she'll forget that thing is on her until next time she has to put it on again.

She loves raisins and adores apple and orange too, I suppose.
If she loves you enough or if you are lucky enough, she might share some with you.
One time I peeled an orange for myself but gave it to her cause she wanted it.
I asked her to give me some (and even faked crying), but she just smiled and said no.
But after I believe it's never gonna happen, she gave me the last piece.
Smiling still.

It is very interesting to hang out with her.
One morning she shared quite a bit of her raisins with me even without me asking.
The only thing I said was: "Yummy?"
She just kept sharing and I was truly happily surprised.
Later on, she asked for more raisins.
So after getting her mother's approval, I handed her some more.
She smiled at me and said "thank you".
Man, it could melt your heart.

I believe she likes when the little boy, Luke Daniel comes to visit.
When he walked in, she pulled the toy over and sit at one side of it while asking him to sit at the other side.
When he was crying for his mother, she even pet him and said: "Don't cry." Also, she copied me saying: "she'll be back."
But then, when they start playing together, they always want the same thing at the same time.
There will be some arguing and none stopping "Mine!"
Maybe as her mom said, it's a love-hate relationship.

Although every baby has their cranky time, Annika does know how to be delightful.
Wherever she is, you can just constantly hear people say "how cute."
When we went to the bookstore, she said "Thank you" to the guy who held the door for us.
When we were at the restaurant, she says "hi" to the waitresses and people at the tables around us.
Oh, I said that also because I got my goodbye hug.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


對,這些小動物都是可以用錢買到的,可是牠們不應該只是"商品";牠們不是沒有生命、沒有感覺的物品,牠們也是可以感受到快樂與痛苦的。我懂什麼叫買兔子附送籠子,可是買籠子附送兔子是什麼?寵物的價值到底決定在哪? Spike我是花了美金100塊買到的(台灣的朋友不要驚訝,這在美國算是便宜),整理箱跟滾輪還有一些小東西是多加了65塊錢買的(breeder準備的,我覺得這樣很好,確保了這些小傢伙至少剛開始會有個好環境),帶去看過一次醫生花了我68,溫控器花了我120,其他還有前前後後買了一些雜七雜八的東西,有些後來沒用上都丟掉,加一加,已經不知道在他身上花了多少。如果單用價格看,實在划不來,附加物品的"價格"已經超過主角的"價格"了,可是,寵物的價值實在不該只決定於牠的價格,生命怎麼能用數字去衡量?我想,我們也不會在人身上定一個數字吧?(就算再高也是不合理的)。有很多的小動物,都能被用很低的金額購買,可是,生命該是無價的,這不是一般商品壞了再買一個那麼簡單的。

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Spike - The Life



維持在388g上下好一陣子的體重,今天來到406g我開始懷疑體重計了,一定是體重計污賴你,你沒有那麼胖對不對Spike? 每天都那麼勤奮的跑滾輪一整晚,怎麼會這樣呢...貓食也是買高蛋白低脂的阿...可能是肌肉比較重吧 (一直自我安慰的主人,怪了,我又不是胖的那個)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Detailed Instruction 詳細的指示

When my mom was here visiting me, we bought a shoe rack and assembled it.
The instruction is like this:
組裝指示是這樣的:There's number at the top-left corner of each plot that you can follow through.
Now look closely to plot #5, you can see a completed shoe rack.
But how come there is another plot after that? (The one I hid with a black block)
可是為什麼在那之後還有一個圖呢? (我用黑色方塊遮起來的那個)

Because that shoe rack company will like to remind you...
因為鞋架公司提醒您...not to forget to throw trash away.

Should I keep the box since no one told me to throw that away?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Spike - Home Improvement


今天要來講一下繼Spike - Accommodation 住處Spike - Accessories之後,Spike的住處又升級啦!
這什麼怪東西?這就是現在Spike住處的外觀。為了讓Spike這個畏光的小朋友在不影響我看電視的情況下(原來還是為了自己 :P)享受比較陰暗的環境,我去買了一個(人用的)毯子來蓋Spike的整理箱。因此還得為通風以及不干擾滾輪加了一根隨手拿來本要當垃圾丟掉的棍子在整理箱邊上,做支撐毯子的架子,不過實在太簡陋,就不照相存證了。現在一邊是那根爛棍子,一邊是保溫燈在支撐那條毯子。

接下來這張照片重點有點不明顯。其實只是墊在飲水器跟整理箱中間的closet liner(這東西中文是啥? 我在台灣沒用過)。"好像"有稍微減少一點Spike喝水時的聲音(也極度有可能只是心理作用)。


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Spike - The Day of Being A Model

"Mr. Spike, we are taking some photo shots for a magazine cover today"

"Would you pose for us, please?"
"Sigh...Do I have to?"

"Uh...yes, it's specified in the contract."

"Alright... We done?"

"Uh... Could we have a more vigorous look, please?"

"Uh... How about a fierce look? Kinda like saying: roarrrrr, I'm the king of the weighting scale."

"Uh...Never mind..."

"Oh, we're done? OK, good, time to sleep"

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Spike - 公務員

在我發現我只要燈開著他就不出來活動以後,我讓他在我房間待了幾天,這樣我每天在客廳活動也就不會覺得剝奪了他的活動時間。因為在他活動的時候,咬飼料的聲音、水瓶撞擊整理箱的聲音、還有滾輪的聲音,都是會讓人睡不著的,所以,他待在我房間的話,我也就理所當然的移駕到客廳去睡了(還真是名符其實的喧賓奪主 XD)。
聽聞很多Ptt特寵版版友的刺蝟,常常在搞逃家記,老實說,我實在無法想像。Spike的生活,不外乎是:起床、吃飯、喝水、跑滾輪、鑽回小木屋繼續睡,從來沒有什麼特別不一樣的舉動。加上他現在準確的生理時鐘,我主觀的認為,他的個性很適合當個準時上下班的公務員 XD。不但準時,而且不搞怪,員工就要請這種的!

不過我一直睡客廳也不是辦法,還是得趕快找個解決之道。今天要嘗試我的walk-in closet。我自己待在裡面過,應該是不會太悶。不過它就在我房間內,不知道會不會還是把我吵醒。試一個晚上看看吧。

ps. 附上他的玉照們

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Spike - Something Wrong

Either something wrong with the scale, or something wrong with Spike. My goodness, he was 358g yesterday, and 372g today?! Is it even possible???

Weird, this is really weird.
I'm goona keep track of your weight, buddy.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Spike - 358? Really?

So on his 3 month old birthday (Nov. 1st), he was 365g. And on the next day (Nov. 2nd), he was 368g. I took a day off (Nov. 3rd) weighting him, now he is 358g?!
I admit I am a little bit paranoid. When he is gaining weight, I am afraid he's obese; now that he's lost weight (10g in 2 days?), I am afraid that he's sick. Well, so far he still appear healthy to me, kinda. I hope he's just running on the wheel more (or maybe I subconsciously gave him less food?)

I hope you remain healthy, no matter how heavy you are. Spiky.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Spike - 3 Month Old!!

On his 3 month old birthday, I gave him almost a full day without me. (What a gift)

I came back home after 9. Got him 6 fat mealworms and weighed him. He is 365g now. Maybe I should've weighed him before feeding him the mealworms. (Do we really want to blame on the mealworms like people who are not honest with their weight?) Should I worry? He's gaining weight so fast. I am not sure if this is a normal speed or not. But I also don't find anything abnormal with him (other than his weight of course.) I need to ask around.


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Spike - Good Boy

Finally, he sleeps in my hand again.
I think we've reconciled after the incident mentioned in "Spike - Since Oct. 8th." Now when I handle him, although he still tries to run away when he's conscious, he still puts down his quill pretty soon and "allows me" (not saying that he likes it) to pet him (And I do believe it's not because that I bribe him with mealworms.) It's even better when he is sleepy. He'll just try to fall asleep again even in my hand.

Usually I won't be able to see his face cause he always tries to hide it when sleeping. But I was lucky enough to see it when I did the routine handling one evening.

Chubby, but cute.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Spike - Accessories


I. From Breeder

1. 整理箱


2. 飲水器


3. 碗


4. 滾輪




II. From me

5. 便盆

第一個是把便盆放到滾輪底下是個好主意,反正Spike也會在滾輪上大小便,這樣剛好,現在整理箱其他部份都可以保持"相對的"乾淨。第二個是把別人用來烤蛋糕的cake pan買來當便盆。其實我之前一直思考了很久到底要去哪裡買會剛好合整理箱寬度的便盆。有想過要買那種放在盆栽下的淺碟子,可是一直沒看到適合的。有天在買grocery的時候正好看到這個,就買了。大小剛好,又有點"可塑性",簡直是完美。


也是花了我一點時間去找。本來breeder給的bedding看起來跟網路上看到的刺蝟皮屑長得有點像,總是讓我在Spike換刺的時候心驚膽戰,老是自己嚇自己,況且看起來一點都不吸水。我知道刺蝟使用的litter有很多限制,最好不能有添加物,因為他們可能會咬;最好不要是clay作基底的,有一些潛在的危險(忘記是什麼了),blahblah的,總之很多。尤其是公刺蝟,凝結砂怕會沾粘在他們的重要部位上造成堵塞,所以最好是分解的。幾乎完全符合需求的我在Petsmart只有看到一種,兩家不同公司的。一家就是我買的這個,另一家稍微比較貴一點,google "feline pine cat litter"應該可以看到(同一家公司有出不同種的,可是包裝一樣,要小心搞混)。


6. 木屋



7. 保溫燈加溫控組



8. 體重計


9. 砂紙

不是很粗的,100 grit(中文叫什麼?)。我摸過,不太粗,不掉沙,算滿OK的(我希望)。貼了一塊在整理箱內的底部,目前看來有點用,應該很久不用幫Spike剪指甲。會使用這個方法的原因是因為我實在很不會給Spike剪指甲,因為總是很擔心會撿到他的肉,所以每次都折騰老半天,Spike都不爽了我還沒剪到(囧)。在書上看到說可以放置粗糙表面的東西在食物盆的周圍來避免剪指甲,書中說的材料我忘了(英文的),只記得都是不怎麼容易取得的(至少對我來說),所以用了砂紙(當然是很小心的自己先摸摸看才選的)。





Monday, October 26, 2009

Spike - Since Oct. 8th

Having been so busy lately, I didn't have time to update things about Spike.

He is 344g now. I worried for a little bit, but since he'll be 3 month for less than a week, I guess he's not too fat. Plus, he runs on the wheel ever night, he's probably more fit than fat. (I hope)

Just when I thought I got he's trust when he was 2 month old, one day an accident happened. I was handling him like usually, and I put him on my lap while I was getting something. I didn't know what happened, maybe he scared himself or he sneezed (?), he backed up a little and rolled down my lap. He immediately rolled into a ball and that was the first time I heard him make the clicking sound. Ever since that, he has been very cautious and there were several days I can't really hold him. Any little movement will cause him to roll into a ball and make clicking sound. Now that he's been better (I guess I can say within a relatively short time period, but surely doesn't feel so the first few days.) Now I know I not only have to be careful don't make any mistake myself, I also have to beware of his mistake that might hurt or upset him. Overall he's a good boy I think. Now he's just more cautious. But he will still sleep in my hand if I hold him during his bed time.

Spike is an interesting guy. (This is probably an interesting line...)
A few days ago, I put a mealworm beetle (well, mealworms grew up...) in front of him. He smelled it, but didn't eat it. That was weird to me. While I was holding him in my left hand and ready to put him back to his house, I decided to try it again. So this time, he was in my left hand and the beetle was in my right. And he ate it! I wonder why. I guess he just doesn't pick anything random from the ground to eat?! No idea.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Spike - Over 2 month Old

I don't know what topic to use so I randomly chose one.
Haven't blog about Spike for a while now cause I have been busy and lazy.
Several points to update: (man, is this the engineer way of writing a blog or what)

He's gotten bigger now.
I spent some time with him after work everyday and I remembered one day I just suddenly felt that he's big. Several days ago when I was looking for a pot (or a "Whistling Tea Kettle" if you will), I saw this scale for measuring weight of food (or spices?) in the kitchen. I was too excited since I had been looking for a weighing scale that suits Spike and there it was in front of me. I bought it without thinking (and ended up returning it the next day). Came home all excited and couldn't wait to measure Spike's weight. It was a dial scale with graduation to 1/4 of 100g (so, 25g). Spike seems to be 200+3/4*(100)=275g. That scared me. He was 185 when we went to the vet. Now it's only about 2 weeks later and he's almost doubled up? After inquiring someone else's opinion, he's probably just at his "growth stage". Now when I calm down and look at him again, he doesn't really seem that fat to me. I am just being very protective that's all.

He doesn't poo in his bed now.
I guess I shouldn't feed him uncooked veggie? I really don't know. But he doesn't poo in his bed anymore and that's a great improvement. I think I can officially claim him as being successfully potty trained. I guess he probably didn't really need to be trained. I am probably the one who needs to be trained. Here are the changes I made (as I was being potty-training-trained):
1. I took the professional opinion and put his bed at one end and the food in the middle. 2. Since he poos on the wheel and like to poo under the wheel too, I decided to put the potty box under his wheel (which is also recommended by another hedgie owner on his website.)

This is the first successful version. (oh... my lousy picture taking skill...)
His sleeping bag is my TEAM BUZZ T-shirt now...

This is an upgraded version. I bought him a wooden house. The same T-shirt is in the house. There is also a piece of sand paper taped in the middle there (grade: 100. I don't think this will hurt his little feet. I mean, he walks on it, not that I sand his nail with it.)
(wow, I really didn't know it's that dark... I'll take new ones sometime and update this post...)

That's probably it. Oh ya, and I bought a proportional thermostat "Herpstat". Seems real easy to use. I'll go get heat emitter and set it up soon. Upgrade, Upgrade, Upgrade. (Spike doesn't even care. I am the excited one)