Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Spike - The Day of Being A Model

"Mr. Spike, we are taking some photo shots for a magazine cover today"

"Would you pose for us, please?"
"Sigh...Do I have to?"

"Uh...yes, it's specified in the contract."

"Alright... We done?"

"Uh... Could we have a more vigorous look, please?"

"Uh... How about a fierce look? Kinda like saying: roarrrrr, I'm the king of the weighting scale."

"Uh...Never mind..."

"Oh, we're done? OK, good, time to sleep"

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Spike - 公務員

在我發現我只要燈開著他就不出來活動以後,我讓他在我房間待了幾天,這樣我每天在客廳活動也就不會覺得剝奪了他的活動時間。因為在他活動的時候,咬飼料的聲音、水瓶撞擊整理箱的聲音、還有滾輪的聲音,都是會讓人睡不著的,所以,他待在我房間的話,我也就理所當然的移駕到客廳去睡了(還真是名符其實的喧賓奪主 XD)。
聽聞很多Ptt特寵版版友的刺蝟,常常在搞逃家記,老實說,我實在無法想像。Spike的生活,不外乎是:起床、吃飯、喝水、跑滾輪、鑽回小木屋繼續睡,從來沒有什麼特別不一樣的舉動。加上他現在準確的生理時鐘,我主觀的認為,他的個性很適合當個準時上下班的公務員 XD。不但準時,而且不搞怪,員工就要請這種的!

不過我一直睡客廳也不是辦法,還是得趕快找個解決之道。今天要嘗試我的walk-in closet。我自己待在裡面過,應該是不會太悶。不過它就在我房間內,不知道會不會還是把我吵醒。試一個晚上看看吧。

ps. 附上他的玉照們

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Spike - Something Wrong

Either something wrong with the scale, or something wrong with Spike. My goodness, he was 358g yesterday, and 372g today?! Is it even possible???

Weird, this is really weird.
I'm goona keep track of your weight, buddy.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Spike - 358? Really?

So on his 3 month old birthday (Nov. 1st), he was 365g. And on the next day (Nov. 2nd), he was 368g. I took a day off (Nov. 3rd) weighting him, now he is 358g?!
I admit I am a little bit paranoid. When he is gaining weight, I am afraid he's obese; now that he's lost weight (10g in 2 days?), I am afraid that he's sick. Well, so far he still appear healthy to me, kinda. I hope he's just running on the wheel more (or maybe I subconsciously gave him less food?)

I hope you remain healthy, no matter how heavy you are. Spiky.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Spike - 3 Month Old!!

On his 3 month old birthday, I gave him almost a full day without me. (What a gift)

I came back home after 9. Got him 6 fat mealworms and weighed him. He is 365g now. Maybe I should've weighed him before feeding him the mealworms. (Do we really want to blame on the mealworms like people who are not honest with their weight?) Should I worry? He's gaining weight so fast. I am not sure if this is a normal speed or not. But I also don't find anything abnormal with him (other than his weight of course.) I need to ask around.