Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hedgehog Care

Most people will tell you that hedgehogs are easy to take care of, that they are low maintenance. I think they can be both low maintenance or high depend on how you want to take care of them.

In order to properly take care of Spike, I have already read some articles and I am still finding new articles to read. I do believe having read 2-3 articles about hedgehog care should be sufficient for merely keeping your hedgie alive. But I also believe that there are a lot more to know if you want to have happy and healthy hedgies.

I came across a great hedgehog care article this morning:
This kinda explained the horrible story that I heard last night. (Thanks to David for a great nightmare material.) Also, it mentioned a "Spike's Delite Hedgehog Food". I thought it was interesting. Maybe I should get Spike some to try. Even though this article is great, I do think that there are still a lot more to know before one can properly take care of a hedgehog. Be sure to do some research before you adopt one.

Anyways, I think what I wanna say is, no matter what you want animal you want to adopt as a pet, be sure that you know how to take care of it before you take it home. Sometimes people tend to take it too lightly. I admit that when I was a kid, I accidentally killed some small animals even though I liked them so much. It's really not about love but knowledge.

I sure don't wanna make any mistake with Spike.

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