Monday, September 14, 2009

Why Hedgehog

Too many people asked me: "Why hedgehog?" so I thought I would compose a post about it.

There are several reasons.

1) I've seen videos and picture of people having hedgehog as pet and I thought it's very cool. And hedgehogs are very cute too. At that time I didn't really think of getting one though. I just thought the idea of having such an exotic animal as pet is pretty interesting.

2) I actually would prefer a dog. But since I work in the morning, I don't think having a dog is a good idea. First of all, it will be hard to potty train him while I'm gone all morning working. Second, it's carpet every where in my apartment except for bath room and kitchen. If I can't potty train him, I surely can't just leave him in the house, it'll be a disaster. Last but not least, dog is the kind of pet that need a lot of attention. Since I can't give him too much attention in the morning, I believe if I really get a dog, he'll be a sad one.

3) A cat would probably need relatively less attention. But the same situation apply, since I am at work all morning, I am afraid that an untrained cat would scratch and destroy my furniture (not like I have a lot, but they are mostly new.)

4) Addition to 2) and 3), the apartment complex would charge me 300 dollars for having a dog or cat.

5) Now hedgehog appears to be a very attractive choice. Relatively low maintenance, nocturnal (although now I find it not really as great an attribute as I thought) and cute, hedgehog was just appealing.

That's the reason why after I did some research about hedgies, I decided that it should be a good fit for me.

Is it clear now?

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